While showing off her choppy new blonde hair on the Grammys red carpet Sunday night, Katy Perry quipped that it was the only color left on the spectrum she hadn't tried yet — before seemingly taking a dig at Britney Spears.

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On both CBS and E!, the singer joked the only other hairstyle she hadn't yet tried was shaving her head as a result of a meltdown, seemingly in reference to when Britney shaved her head back in 2007. On E!, she explained that she took a break from music for her mental health, and when Ryan Seacrest asked how it went, she responded, "Fantastic... I haven't shaved my head yet." She then appeared on CBS and repeated her comment about her new hair color choice, before again making a reference to the fact she hadn't yet shaved her head due to a meltdown.

Before long, people were calling the singer out on Twitter for taking a dig at Britney, especially over her mental health.

From: Cosmopolitan US