After Zayn Malik quit One Direction earlier this week, everyone from Simon Cowell to the Fifth Harmony girls took to Twitter to have their say on the situation. And now the band's pal and sometime-songwriter Ed Sheeran's made his thoughts on the #ZaynPain known.

After admitting he's split up with his girlfriend Athina Andrelos yesterday, Ed hit the Hughesy and Kate show on Australian radio to say "you don't want to make yourself unhappy just to earn money" as Zayn himself admits the 1D life wasn't "real" to him.

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Chatting to the pair Down Under, Edward said: "I think whatever makes him happy. The most important thing in life is to be happy, and if he was unhappy in that situation then don't stay in it."

"You don't want to make yourself unhappy just to earn money, that's not what life's about. You're meant to enjoy life, and if he wasn't enjoying his life then fair play to him."

But good news — we don't have to worry about losing our fave red head, too. "I think the difference between me taking a break and him taking a break is he has four other people to worry about. I'll definitely take a break, but it won't be a noticeable break because no one will be like 'he's left the band.'"

Good point very well made, Ed!

From: Sugarscape