Snapchat one of the most used iPhone aps for teens globally. From various filters to celeb accounts, it's hard to not be addicted to adjusting, reshaping, and filtering your Snaps. That's why I decided to ask teens around the world how Snapchat affects their relationships with their bodies...

"Most of my activities are planned around Snapchat and what I can or can't post. If I'm not posting enough, I definitely feel uncool AF." —Ella, 16

"I love Snapchat, and the filters help me with my relationship with my body in the way that I can make them look prettier if I want to, or more natural if I want to. However, I am constantly checking my Snapchat. It's kind of like an addiction I have that I wish I could feel more control over." —Blair, 18

"Snapchat makes me feel sexy. I like being able to control the way I look in on the screen." —Emma, 18

"Snapchat reminds me how beautiful I have the potential to be." —Andrew, 18

"I love how private Snapchat is. I love how the filters make me look. I love the way I look through the selfie camera. However, it definitely doesn't help my self-esteem or confidence." —Grace, 18

"Checking bae's Snapchat has become a full obsession. Sometimes I will put makeup on to just go outside to take a picture to make it look like my life is glamorous and I naturally look this way. Filters work magic." —Allegra, 17

"Snapchat makes me more insecure because I'm always comparing my body to ones with filters. I think as I've gotten older this has gotten a little easier." —Cameron, 18

"My relationship with Snapchat is complicated. On one hand, it's difficult for me to not become obsessed with it. On the other, it's helped me learn more about my body." —Kelsey, 14

"I think Snapchat makes me hyper-aware of the way my body looks from every direction. It's hard to ignore the great insecurity that comes with that knowledge, but I try my best." —Ryan, 13

"I love snapchat, but I know it isn't good for me emotionally because it perpetuates feelings of FOMO all the time." —Sarah, 13

"Snapchat makes me less present with my body." —Samantha, 13